Bioinformatics 2012
Program and Abstracts

Bioinformatics 2012


SocBiN in collaboration with Center for Biomembrane Research welcomes you to the 12th annual conference in bioinformatics. This year the conference will be held in beautiful Stockholm starting at lunch-time June 11 and ending at lunch on June 14. It will be located at: Lecture hall "Berzelius" Berzelius väg 3 / Tomtebodavägen at the bus stop for SL bus 69 Stockholm on the Karolinska Institutet campus, close to Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm. We are looking forward to an exciting scientific program with 4 invited keynote speakers and 5 sessions (Molecular Machines, Using next generation sequence data, Data analysis of proteomics assays, Bioinformatics of chemical biology and RNA bioinformatics).

We wish you all very welcome

The organization committee

Arne Elofsson, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Erik Lindahl, Theoretical Physics, KTH and Bengt Persson, Linköping University


SocBiN (Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe) is a non-profit organization for people working with and interested in bioinformatics and computational biology. The members of the organization are predominantly from the Nordic and Baltic countries, but others are also welcome.

We are grateful for the help of our session chairs

  • Arne Elofsson,Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm University,Sweden
  • Lukas Käll, Science for Life Laboratory, KTH,Sweden
  • Anders Andersson, Science for Life Laboratory, KTH,Sweden
  • Jens Carlsson, Center for Biomembrane Research, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Janusz Bujnicki, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland

Arne Elofsson
Last modified: Thu Jun 7 11:35:27 CEST 2012